Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Final Thoughts

Throughout the year of music tech I learned a lot. I learned the true importance of bass in a song and how to use many tools to help improve my work. I think I improved significantly since the beginning of the year and had a lot of fun throughout the year. I'm looking forward to next year.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Grady's Don't Bully Rap

For this project I had to use Pitcher. Pitcher is basically an autotuner. For the vocals I had Ms. Grady, the guidance counselor, sing and I autotuned her. I had to cut each word out individually because she was off beat. For the synths in the background I used Sytrus Synth 2, Fl Slayer Bass Punch, Poizone Bas Creamy MC, LED Brassatas TC, Sytrus Classic, Sytrus Sytrus. For this song I wanted a lot of bass to make it seem almost dubstep like.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Grady Rap

Significant progress is being made on the Grady Rap, only one class left to finish hopefully I'll work quick! It's proven to be tricky with her rushing in her rapping but I've worked around it.